Membership & Training

We developed a custom app on the Claris/FileMaker Platform that manages memberships, training courses and attendance at a Training Center. It has CRM (customer relationship management) functionality as well as reporting on customer spend by profit center.

Please note that the screenshots contain mock data generated by Mockaroo; any similarity to actual people or organizations is entirely coincidental!

Screenshot of the financial dashboard showing the distribution of revenue by profit centers plus a top-down listing of customers that have spent the most.

Financial Dashboard

Membership Dashboard

Screenshot of the membership dashboard listing the newest members, and two charts, one of which shows the distribution of types of membership.
Screenshot of a customer record showing contact details, on-site attendance, notes, marketing preferences, and sales totals.



In this custom app, sales were imported from two external sources: Lightspeed, for on-site POS (point-of-sale) terminals, and WordPress/WooCommerce, for online sales. The custom app was integrated with Lightspeed and WooCommerce through their REST APIs.

Screenshot of a sales record showing the customer, the items sold and the profit center.
Screenshot of a rental record showing the customer, the date of the course and the items being rented.


Course Sign-in

Screenshot of the sign-in summary showing the classes happening on the specified date and the spaces allocated to those classes.